Brazil history part 5 .Year 1503 .Palo Brasil
Second expedition and the famous Pau Brasil
In the year 1503,the second expedition is sent to Brazil under command of Christovão Jacques_. (Some historians say it was under orders of _Fernão of Noronha_, first Recipient of the island of the same name). He discovers the Bahia of _Todos Santos_ (according to Mr. Francisco of S. Luiz_ in the work already mentioned, it was this bahia discovered by _Americo Vespucio_ in second a expedition that did for order of the King); and it founds a Cologne in _Vera-Cruz_. After this expedition it begins to to to be taken Europe the famous Palo Brasil, from where came the denomination that now it has the country. (As some writers, it_Christovão Jacques_ exploring the backs went planting patterns in the most appropriate places; however, other second, this fits made to Martim Affonso of Sousa).