

Rio de Janeiro pictures


Learning about Brazil history part 2, the trip

The trip of Pedro Alvares Cabral part 2

Brazil history...We however , confirm the day 22, April�based in the letter that D. Manoel wrote Pedro Vaz of Caminha_, that he participated in the brazilian expedition as Clerk of the armada, eyewitness, and a person deign of the whole concept; letter that one see published by P. Ayres of Cazal in the his distinguished one�_Corographia Brasilica_,�and more precisely in the�Foreign _Noticias Tom. 4. Besides have in our support the authorities valuable mui of the same _Cazal, of Varnaghen, of Fr. Francisco of S. Luiz_ in his Indice Chronologico_ and of other authors. But it happens that the own Authors that they believe it was the day 24 of the month of April 1500, we present weapons to confirm ourselves in our opinion: because mentioned him pilot asserts it was the discovery in the _Quarta feira_ Wednesday of the oitavario of Easter, that he the same as precisely says the author Caminhas in the mentioned letter of the discovery of Brazil.



Mardi Gras

New Year Eve

Spring Breaks


Rio de Janeiro pictures